
Client guide

Congratulations for your new bundle of joy! Definitely the best feeling in the world.

Thank You for choosing your Newborn Session with Veronica Touma Photography.

I would be really happy to have a Newborn Session with your little one soon.

The following list is to help you prepare for your baby’s first photo shoot so you can sit back, relax and enjoy the experience:

  • Babies are best photographed generally when they are under 2 weeks of age, however this is dependent on whether the baby was born full term and their birth weight.
  • Please wear comfortable and lightweight clothes as the temperature of the studio space will be set to the comfort of the baby, might be little warm.
  • Pack a spare change of clothes just incase there are any little accidents.
  • Please be aware that the tiny one’s might take a little time to adjust to the new environment, that is absolutely fine and the reason we do not rush the newborn sessions.
  • Normal newborn sessions take somewhere between 2-3 hrs or a litte more.
  • We only want the baby to be well fed before the start of the session so please book accordingly to the timing of your baby.
  • Bring in a pacifier or extra bottles if they are using it, as they can be helpful during the sessions.
  • For older siblings bring along a couple of their favorite toys or books to keep them entertained.
  • You are welcome to bring along any specialty items or props you would like to include in the session, we welcome new ideas and creativity.
  • Incase your baby is gassy and you are breastfeeding I have attached a Nursing Food Guide. Incase you have any further queries you are more than welcome to email, message or call, will be more than happy to assist you.

Hoping to see you at your Photo Session, will try to make it a special one for you.

Lastly a lot of wishes for you and family. Best of Luck.


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